Monday, February 26, 2007

Goals for "SAIFC"

Family Preservation Program -reflecting new knowledge and recognition of the intergenerational impact of residential schools, apartheid of the reserve system, systemic oppression and re-traumatization of First Nations and Metis mothers and fathers whose children have been removed from their care. Program will offer mobile crisis response and in-home support workers to work directly with survivors and their children with individualized service contracts created with survivors and their children, to radically reduce the number of children apprehended by the foster and adoption system.

Healing Centre in Winnipeg Manitoba and Thunder Bay Ontario -- specifically designed and operated for survivors of rape and abuse in foster care and adoptive homes to address the traumatic impact of assaults by strangers acting as or familiar to foster and adoptive parents and/or foster care workers. A wing of the Healing Centre will serve as an information, advocacy and resource centre for those survivors and family members needing informed assistance to access services to which they are entitled including on-site lawyer.

Safe House
for survivors of foster care and/or adoption who are escaping sex slavery in its various forms.

Child/Family Advocates working from the Healing Centre and reporting to on-site lawyer, to assist and intervene where requested on behalf of children in care and/or with mothers or other family members.

Reunification Program including an investigation unit to trace & remedy illegal adoptions, historic & recent.

Scholarship Program - guaranteed education (secondary & post secondary) for survivors of abuse in foster care or adoptive homes, and their children currently in the child welfare system.

Restorative Justice Program- for children who are from the child welfare system and who are deviant and committing acts of violence. We need to get to the roots of this issue and start healing as a Nation!

An Accountability Act that makes the Agencies and Authorities Civilly Liable for the Criminal Acts --of various forms that happen to the children in foster care or adoptive homes and Family members of those whose lives were lost or disabled because of the effects of such abuse while in the province’s care or adopted through arrangements made by it’s agencies.

A Community In Home Support System- to help and teach parenting skills, provide early intervention, life skills, and to offer respite and pay for Psychotherapy that is requested by Professionals when assessments are requested by the Agencies and Recommendations are made to follow these assessments.

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